Underground's Guide to Coffee Brewing Basics

MEASUREMENT: Step away from the reckless scoop-dumps of old. In the Underground, precision is our mantra. Understand the soul of each bean - they're not all born equal. With densities differing from one coffee to another, take the time to weigh both coffee and water meticulously. Whip out that kitchen or coffee scale and embark on a journey to taste coffee like you never have.

Underground Tip: Aim for a coffee-to-water ratio between 1:16 and 1:18, but let your brewing method guide you.

weighing coffee grounds on digital scale

WATER: Water isn't just water when it’s mingling with coffee. Counting those coffee cups towards daily hydration? Guilty as charged. But here's the Underground secret: Water quality can make or break your brew. Aim for pH-neutral water with a respectable mineral backbone. This ensures those flavors and organic compounds in your coffee find their dance partner.

Underground Tip: Use lightly-filtered tap water heated to a sultry 200-205° F. Tweak the temperature up for lighter roasts and down for the dark and mysterious ones.

brewing coffee with fresh water

GRIND & EXTRACTION: Ever noticed the varying coarseness settings on grinders? It's not a gimmick. It's the soul of flavor extraction. Your grind should match your brewing method, with the surface area of the coffee particles dictating the extraction rate. Fine grinds? Quick extraction. Coarser grinds? Let it brew, let it brew! And remember, consistency in grind size is king. Got a brew tasting more bitter or sour than your ex's words? Check our FAQ for the antidotes.

Underground Tip: Grind just before you brew. Capture those fleeting aromas by grinding beans no more than 15-20 minutes before the magic happens.

modern burr coffee grinder, kitchen scene, white kitchen, coffee beans on counter

FILTRATION: In the grand coffee theatre, filtration is the director. Want a crisp, clean taste? Paper filters steal the show. Craving something with oomph in body and lingering notes? Let metal filters take center stage. And for the bold - filter-less methods like espresso and Turkish offer an unmasked coffee experience, full-bodied and unabashed.

Underground Creed: Let your palette lead the way. Dive deep, brew bold, and always keep it Underground.